Making and using your own DIY chalk paint could not be any simpler or quicker!
If you are looking for fun, simple and easy activities to do outside then this hits all the marks!

Why I love DIY chalk paint with my kiddos!
- Its fun!
- So easy to make educational
- Easy activity for creativity and exploration
- Your kids can make the paint themselves
- Its non-toxic!
Because this is made from cornstarch and food coloring its taste safe! Which makes this activity perfect for families with younger kiddos at home.
Give a one year old a piece of chalk and in their eyes it’s somehow a tasty piece of candy that needs to be eaten immediately. While eating chalk is, thankfully, not usually a big deal as a parent it can quickly make you skip it all together.

Making chalk paint is something that a young toddler can be involved with for the whole process because of how easy/safe it is! For little people who want to “do it by self!” this is a win!
Using it could not be more satisfying. Chalk paint is crisp, clear and easy to use even on the roughest concrete.
A big bonus is that you most likely have everything you need for it already!
What you Need:
- Water
- Cornstarch
- Food Coloring (I like using the gel food coloring for how vibrate they can get the paint but any will do)

That is it! Here is how to make it. Use the ratios listed to make more or less chalk paint:
- 1/2 Cup Cornstarch
- 1 Cup Water
- Food Coloring
- Tip: The more cornstarch you use the more “thick” the paint will feel while using it. When I make it for my family I usually just do the dump and stir till it looks good method these days!
How to Make Chalk Paint
- Mix water and cornstarch in a pitcher
- Pour a small amount (1/3ish cup is a great place to start) into individual containers
- Add in food coloring till you reach your desired color! The more food coloring you add the more vibrate your paint will be.
Use any container/bowl to hold your chalk paint.

I like to use a muffin tin when we make chalk paint. It keeps everything together but separate. Plus if (when) things get messy it’s fun to see what new colors are made!
Easy Education
Use this as an educational opportunity to talk to your kiddos about color. When using the primary colors (red, yellow and blue) your kids can mix a new color together by themselves! If you need a refresher on what colors to mix together I will list them!
Mixing your own Colors

- Yellow and Blue make: Green
- Blue and Red make: Purple
- Yellow and Red make: Orange
Paint with a paintbrush anywhere you would use normal chalk.
Make sure that you are periodically mixing the paint as the cornstarch will settle at the bottom of the container if left long enough. When first using the chalk it looks a little dull but will quickly dry to be much brighter than normal chalk! It will also be much more crisp for something like decorating your driveway-words will be very clear to read from the start vs. going over a word five times with normal chalk!

Some of our favorite things to do with chalk paint is to make splatter art and then at the end to dump any extra paint down the driveway to make a beautiful rainbow effect.
Added bonus to seal the deal on this activity?
The clean up is a breeze! Just rinse out your brushes and throw the paint holders into the dishwasher.